Calling All Expats!
Thinking of returning to the UK?
Regardless of how long one was away and where we lived, we always miss what we left behind – family and friends, a different culture maybe? – the food we ate as kids, our family traditions, a favourite Pub, our childhood home – the memories and nostalgia they evoke can only be felt by someone who has lived away from home.
While it is an excellent experience for any Briton to be able to try a new country and embrace a new culture and lifestyle, but deep within, yearning for the good old British life remains and it’s not difficult to understand why! The intensity of home-sickness may vary but does it ever go away entirely?
While you may have made a lot of friends in your new home, the desire to be with your children and especially grand-children is a very natural feeling. Also, as we get older, the desire to go back to our roots and our homeland gets more pronounced.
Wyldecrest Parks Expats Exclusive: For British expats looking to return home to the UK, there are a lot of things to consider. At Wyldecrest, we’ve had quite a few Britons looking to sell their properties in the EU and move to brand new park homes in the UK.
While being abroad, it is difficult to organize a host of different things for your return. We can offer you the expertise and the knowledge to ensure the move is as seamless as possible.
The property market in Britain remains competitive and difficult and that’s a major reason why residential park homes offer an excellent alternative to a standard brick and mortar house.
You save on the initial cost no matter where you choose to buy property, you save on running costs and you also save on fees and charges like the stamp duty and other costs and expenses.
Another huge benefit is an easier/smaller house to maintain, being able to live in a popular location which could otherwise be unaffordable.
Park homes are essentially single-storey luxury bungalows with generous outdoor space to ensure space and privacy. You can have family, children, grand-children visit you and the way these parks are located- you have country walks, gardens, various other things to do in close vicinity.
We also welcome responsible pet-owners on all parks.
Many of our park residents mention how they have met and made friends for life on the parks and they are so happy of their decision to move. Festivals like Christmas, royal weddings, football cups etc. have become so much more fun because the whole community comes together.
There is a true community spirit on the parks and most of the residents have made clubs for organizing events and activities.
Loneliness can have a serious effect on health especially as we age. On the residential parks, there are very good chances that you would meet like-minded people in your community who share similar beliefs and interests. There are great opportunities for friendships and many parks have their residents organise social events and community clubs.
The average age of residents in park homes is above 55, in fact in a survey in 2002, 68% of the residential park occupants were aged 60 or over.
Choose from over 100 park locations across the UK
Yes, Wyldecrest is the largest park home operator in the UK and offers you a choice of more than 100 park locations across the UK. You can either choose an existing brand new home in the park, or we also have pre-owned/pre-loved homes for sale.
If you are from the UK you would be well aware of the many scenic places which the UK has to offer to anyone looking to settle. Also, the way the residential parks are developed and located, all important amenities like grocery, doctor’s and entertainment options are within easy reach.
Wyldecrest Parks have chosen areas which tick all these boxes to make sure that the parks are situated in places where there is
Handy Transport: Many of our parks have bus stops right outside the park. Some of our parks run special bus services which go through the park and cater to the residents
Amenities close-by: We understand that amenities like Grocery stores, Doctors surgery are a part of life and need to be available close-by. Most of our parks have various amenities within walking distance. Many of our parks have small shops situated within the park
Recreational facilities: Again, most of our parks have pubs, restaurants, shops within easy reach. Some of our parks have community centres located inside the park and run by the residents.
Points of Interest: An advantage of carefully selecting locations for our parks is that there are some amazing places of interest located nearby. Majority of our parks boast of lovely walks, beautiful views and based on the park – quaint villages, seaside, manor houses etc. nearby.
Saying goodbye to where you’ve been living may not be an easy process, but sometimes new beginnings are a great way to start your life over. And why not reserve the best innings for the golden years?
Experience the Wyldecrest 5* service:
Some of the additional services which we offer:
- Pick & Drop from the airport.
- Hotel reservations close to the parks which you are interested in
- Arrange visit to the park, the show home
- Arrange a meeting with our Sales Director if needed.
- Arrange a visit to a home manufacturer’s facility to give you a better idea of the home choices as well as the various aspects of your home which you can think about
- Arrange a visit to the local area and all the amenities and activities nearby
Over and above ensuring that your actual visit is seamless and enjoyable, we also offer additional services to take the stress out of the move.
We offer Part-exchange service : Selling a house is never an easy task, even more so in the present property market. Once you have chosen and reserved your park home, we make you an offer on your property and handle the sale -Read it in detail here.
Along with the Part-exchange we also offer free removals.
Wyldecrest Parks also offers a Finance service to make the move possible for you. (Best Park Home Finance is an independent UK finance company providing financial assistance for those wishing to purchase a park home)
If you would like to discuss some options and learn about how we can help you sell your properties and facilitate a smooth move back to the UK, please give us a call on 0330 133 7300 or visit our website for more information.
While we can’t take away the uncertainty triggered by the stress of buying a property, Brexit and various other factors, we surely can attempt to take away all uncertainties about selling your property, of making the right decision, and of moving into a luxury, quality home in the UK without breaking your bank.